What to Do When Your Colorado Homeowner’s Insurance Policy Claim Was Denied

In Colorado, we’re no stranger to strong storms and other natural disasters. We know big hail storms or powerful winds can wreak havoc on our homes. This is why we have homeowner’s insurance in the first place – to protect against the elements and the unknown.

If you’ve had the unfortunate experience of dealing with damage to your Denver-area property, you know just how hard the cleanup and restoration process is on its own. Pair this with a denied or delayed homeowner’s insurance policy claim, and you may find yourself at your wit’s end. Rest assured, there are steps you can take if your claim is denied. Here is where you should start.

Review Your Policy

A denied insurance claim does not mean you should throw in the towel. On the contrary, you need to dig in to understand everything you can about the claims process and get help from an experienced insurance litigation attorney in Colorado if needed.

Start by reviewing your homeowner’s insurance policy. Understanding the specifics of what is covered and what is not can provide clarity on why the claim was denied. For example, some policies require you to notify them of damage within a certain time period or have exclusions for specific types of damage. Pay close attention to the language, exclusions, and limitations outlined in your policy, as this can guide your next steps – and if you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask for clarification. 

Request a Written Explanation from Your Insurance Company

If your claim was denied, be sure to get a written explanation of the denial. Sometimes claims are denied due to simple errors or misunderstandings. Getting clarification directly from the insurance company – and in writing! – can help address any discrepancies.

Contact an Attorney to Discuss Your Options

Denied insurance claims are commonplace, but in Colorado, you have the right to appeal a denied insurance claim. Before doing so, you should consult a legal professional who specializes in insurance claims. A lawyer experienced in Colorado’s insurance laws can provide valuable insight into your rights and options. 

Many law firms, like ours, offer consultations to review denied claims and advise on the best course of action. In some cases, a strongly worded letter from an attorney is all it takes for an insurance company to fulfill its contractual obligations. In other cases, litigation becomes necessary.

The bottom line is you have options if your insurance claim is denied. Our team at Kandell, Kandell & Petrie is here to help you get relief if your insurance company tried to deny or underpay you for your claim. Contact us today to speak to one of our Denver claims advisors to discuss your questions and concerns.