Do You Need Flood Insurance if You Live in Colorado?

Colorado may not be the first state that comes to mind when you think of flooding risks, but that doesn’t mean we are immune to it. What insurance companies qualify as flooding can happen anywhere, and what many homeowners don’t realize is that traditional homeowners insurance policies generally don’t protect against flooding. 

While federal disaster assistance may become available after a major flooding event in some instances, it’s never guaranteed. To best protect your home, it’s important to understand your flood risks and the protections offered under your existing insurance policies. Then, you can weigh whether flood insurance is something you want to invest in for your property. 

What to Know about Flood Insurance in Colorado

Flood risks in Colorado may seem low, but with changing climate patterns, many of us are learning to expect the unexpected. Flash flooding, snowmelt and urban flooding due to poor drainage are all factors that can increase flood risks in the state. 

Keep in mind that standard homeowners insurance policies in Colorado typically don’t cover flooding, so it’s important to evaluate your risks to assess the likelihood of experiencing flooding in your area. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) designates flood zones across the U.S. based on the likelihood of flooding in a given area. You can search the FEMA flood map here to assess your location’s risk for flood hazards. Most of Colorado is low risk according to FEMA, which means flood insurance rates in Colorado are typically extremely low.

If you do experience damage from flooding, flood insurance should step in to cover structural damage to your home as well as damage to your personal belongings, depending on your coverage levels. Without flood insurance, you may be responsible for paying out-of-pocket for any repairs or replacements caused by flood damage.

What to Do if Your Flood Damage Claim is Denied? 

Insurance claims may be denied for a number of reasons. This is true whether you have flood insurance or not. If your flood damage claim is underpaid or denied through your traditional homeowners insurance policy in Colorado, call us at Kandell, Kandell & Petrie Law Firm to discuss your situation. Your insurer must include specific reasons for denial in their denial letter. If they don’t, we’ll request they do so. Then, we can review the letter together and help you navigate the appeal process if necessary. 

Our experienced attorneys at KK&P Law Firm specialize in property insurance disputes in Colorado, Florida and Louisiana and are here to ensure you receive the relief you deserve for your insurance claim. If you need an advocate or simply help navigating the complex insurance claim process, turn to our team of legal experts today. Call us at 720-277-9987 to speak to one of our Denver claims advisors.